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Why You Should Constantly Monitor Your Website Performance

Your website, whether it’s a simple business listing or a full-fledged e-commerce store, has a massive impact on your business’s reputation, reach, and profitability. You need a high-performing website to make the right sort of impression on visitors. A high-performing website is intuitive, fast, and offers high-quality content and features (among other things). It’s not enough just to create a high-performance website, though – you need to monitor it constantly and ensure it remains that way. Below, we explain the main reasons you need to constantly monitor your website’s performance.


1. Sites go offline 


Sites can and do go offline due to reasons like server overloads, attacks, and bugs. Needless to say, when your website goes offline, it’s inaccessible to customers. Every minute it’s offline is a minute you aren’t doing business. If you don’t monitor your site actively, it could be hours before you notice (or, worse, are informed by customers) that it’s down. But if you’re actively monitoring your site, you’ll know immediately when it’s offline and then take steps to get it back up and running again. 


Discovering that a business website has gone offline can be a nerve-wracking scenario for small business owners, but there are immediate steps to mitigate the situation. First, it's crucial to verify whether the issue is specific to the website or a broader internet outage. Contacting the hosting provider or technical support immediately can expedite the resolution process.


Meanwhile, communicate transparently with customers via social media or email to inform them of the temporary disruption and provide alternative contact methods or platforms to maintain business interaction. Utilizing social media platforms or third-party services can serve as interim measures to convey essential information or redirect traffic until the website is restored. Simultaneously, keeping stakeholders updated about the progress and estimated resolution time demonstrates proactive management of the issue. Finally, once the website is back online, conducting a thorough review and implementing preventive measures to avert similar occurrences in the future becomes imperative.


2. Your website is a reliable source of valuable customer data


Up-to-date customer data can help you make good business decisions, from the business goals to set to the best way to create marketing campaigns. Your website is one of the best ways to gather critical customer data – for free. You can gain insights into their preferences, personality, dislikes, demographics, and more. This information can help you spot customer trends, make predictions, and, eventually, make good business decisions. Acquia explains some types of customer data you can gather.


3. Your site’s popularity isn’t constant


Websites may become more or less popular with time. A website’s popularity is invariably tied to its search engine rankings. By monitoring your site’s SEO performance, you can make sure it’s optimized by using the newest search engine techniques so it appears higher up in search engine ranking pages (SERPs). Semrush recommends you update your SEO every couple of weeks. 


4. You need to tweak your website constantly  


The best websites are the ones that are constantly evolving. The owners (or developers) upgrade their website in various ways, based on gathered data and customer feedback. Monitoring your website performance will give you clarity on how well existing features or functions are doing, and how best to upgrade them. Examples of features include things like new payment methods, personalization, and VR. APPWRK covers top new features for WordPress websites.


5. You’ll learn about the time your customers are spending on your website


Among the crucial performance metrics vital for a website's success, the duration of customer engagement and the conversion rate stand as paramount. The duration visitors spend on a site offers invaluable insight into content relevance and appeal. Longer durations often indicate engaging, valuable content, while a high conversion rate signifies the effectiveness of the site in prompting desired user actions, be it purchases, sign-ups, or other engagements. These metrics not only reflect the site's attractiveness but also serve as indicators for potential areas of improvement, aiding in the refinement of content strategies and user experience to maximize engagement and conversion rates, ultimately driving business growth and success.


Protecting your customer data from a breach 


Websites will frequently be hacked, and it’s one of the main reasons websites go offline. WordPress sites have excellent built-in security, but it’s still best you take extra steps to protect your customer data from a breach. Some examples are only collecting virtual data, password-protecting data, and limiting access to data. Monitoring your website will help you know if a hack is in progress and you can quickly take steps to limit the damage, secure the vulnerability, and get it back online. 


One of the best ways to secure vital customer data (or other important data) is by putting it in a password-protected PDF file on your file system (as opposed to in a database that can be accessed online). You don’t even need to have this data on your web server. PDFs can be easily encrypted, which makes them next to impossible to open even if breached. 


With password protection, you can limit access to only the people who need it. Also, you can lock PDF files; this may work as a way to prevent malicious users from making unauthorized changes or inserting malicious content. You can convert most file formats to PDF by using an online tool. All you have to do is drag and drop a file into the tool. Adobe has a free, easy-to-use option.


Brushing up your web development skills 


If you’re a small business owner or similar who prefers to make and maintain their own website, you may need to work on your web development skills. While WordPress is easy to learn, it’s hard to master. You will likely have an easy enough time making a WordPress site, but making it top-tier and maintaining it long-term could be a challenge. You should locate reliable online resources that you can refer to for specific coding tips, how-tos, and troubleshooting advice. 


Use automation and AI to monitor your website


Leveraging automation and AI for website monitoring marks a pivotal advancement in ensuring peak performance and security. Through this integration, businesses gain a cutting-edge advantage by swiftly identifying issues in real-time, preempting potential disruptions and optimizing user experience. This proactive approach significantly bolsters efficiency, allowing teams to focus on strategic enhancements rather than firefighting. The AI-driven monitoring system not only detects anomalies but also learns from patterns, enabling it to predict potential threats and vulnerabilities, thereby fortifying the website's defenses. Ultimately, this symbiotic fusion of technology ensures a seamless, secure, and continuously improving digital environment, fostering trust and satisfaction among users while maintaining operational excellence.


Process mining offers insight into customer behavior


Process mining represents an invaluable tool in comprehending and aligning a website with customer needs and behaviors. By leveraging this technique, businesses gain a deep understanding of customer journeys, uncovering pivotal insights into their decision-making processes and behaviors. Through the analysis of data sources like clickstreams, user interactions, and transaction records, a comprehensive map of the customer journey unfolds, illuminating critical touchpoints and pain points. This enables tailored website optimization that caters directly to customer needs, preferences, and expectations. Moreover, process mining doesn't just refine the site experience; it becomes a catalyst for increased sales, risk mitigation, and the discovery of latent opportunities. Initiating this process involves mapping out a timeline, identifying key data sources, and involving relevant stakeholders, fostering collaboration for a holistic approach that optimizes the website's alignment with customer behavior, thus propelling business growth and success.


Monitoring a website can bring many benefits, from giving insight into your customers to helping you sell more. You don’t need to manually monitor your website. WordPress comes with in-built monitoring features, not to mention you can download special plugins with additional features. Happy monitoring!   


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